Words of the Lord - 06.26.21/0707.21/07.11.22-"....pray for Hawaii"..."more volcanic activity in Hawaii"..."HAWAII STOP WITH YOUR IDOLS.."

6.26.21 He said to me in the middle of this, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and then he said there was going to be more volcanic activity in Hawaii, so to watch Hawaii, pray for those in Hawaii right now because there may be a very serious eruption that is on the horizon with Hawaii.

7.7.21 He said to me in the middle of this, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and then he said there was going to be more volcanic activity in Hawaii, so to watch Hawaii, pray for those in Hawaii right now because there may be a very serious eruption that is on the horizon with Hawaii.

7.11.22 And says the Spirit of the Lord this day HAWAII, STOP WITH YOUR IDOLS Says the Lord for your leadership is under the control of such dark rulers that is bringing this smog of darkness upon your islands. Hawaii return unto Me. I WARN YOU THIS DAY OH LEADERSHIP IF YOU DO NOT TURN THERE SHALL NOT ONLY BE ERUPTIONS OF HISTORIC PROPORTION BUT EXPLOSIONS THAT SHAKE THE GROUND AND HOTELS WILL FALL, THEY WILL LITERALLY FALL FOR I AM ISSUING JUDGMENT AGAINST THE gods of the hula and what has so defiantly been taught to the people.







