Plots Thwarted - 05.17.2021
Amanda’s words from the Lord:
A terrorist attack shall be thwarted says the Lord, yes there are threats but this is a multi-city at 3 points to cripple hubs and set the country back even more says the Lord of Hosts this day for I have seen what has been plotted with the help of corrupt godless leadership of this country and says the Lord the deep state has terrorists for hire and the plan is to hit major hubs where there are exchanges and much digging and examining that is occurring says the Lord of Hosts.
However, I the Lord your God shall expose it and watch it disintegrate and the players scramble as a MAJOR cell shall be discovered, hearing Michigan, and shall be torn up by the roots for in this hour I the Lord am WEEDING out, tearing up by the root and speaking an end to the fig tree that will not produce says The Lord of Hosts this day.
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