Chernobyl - 10.16.2020
Amanda's words from the Lord:
I was on my face before the Lord before I came on this broadcast. I always tell people that's where I belong before I go on a broadcast on my face humbled before the Lord and so it's true. The first thing I hear is Red Rover Red Rover - I'm telling you there's a color kick here we'll see, but Red Rover and I have heard the term didn't know where Red Rover was, so I looked it up because I heard it twice - normally when I hear something twice the Lord's putting a lot of emphasis on it because there's something imminent. Red Rover is the game that is played between two lines of players usually called the east and the west team - although it could be different, they've positioned approximately 30 feet apart with hands or arms linked together and you have the first team or the east team calls a player out by saying or singing Red Rover Red Rover - send player right over, or Red Rover Red Rover come over - so the immediate goal for the person called is to run to the other line and break the east team's chain and if the player fails to break the chain they join the east team, but if they successfully break the chain they may select either of the two links broken by the successful run and take them to join the west team - so this is interesting because I didn't know what this game was. I had heard the term before Red Rover, but I didn't know what it was, so when I heard this twice, I said, let me go look it up and see what this is. This is going to come into play somehow; there's a game of Red Rover going on behind the scenes. So I hear that now; this gets even more interesting because then I hear Russian Blue and Chernobyl. Russian Blue and Chernobyl. Now I'm going to pray about this some more, but many of you out there know about the Chernobyl disaster that was caused by a nuclear accident. It's about 30 years later now in Chernobyl, and I guess they're beginning to try to build it back up with solar power and other things of that nature, but they recently did I think it was late 2019, even 30 years later in Chernobyl, and so they did an article; now Chernobyl's not something I've really ever thought about. It's interesting because Russian Blue is also a breed of cat. It's a particular breed of cat that has a bluish-gray coat, but it could be a play on words Russian Blue. Blue is associated with the party of the democrats, so this could be a play on words here that something else comes forth tying them to the exact thing they accuse the president of. Somehow Chernobyl comes into this. I don't know if something's going to happen in Chernobyl, perhaps in the middle of this, or if there's a play on words here that ties what happens in Chernobyl, because it was a sudden accident to Russian Blue - so pray about this everybody because there's something to this. Sometimes you know I'm giving a piece of this, and then the Lord brings more forth, and we see it begin to take shape. Sometimes the Lord builds on it, so there was what you know, October surprise, Hunt for Red October, then Red Herring, then Red Rover, so sometimes it builds on it because I've never heard so much red in my life seriously coming from the Lord, especially this - you know - for this time of year. It's very fascinating to me how this built up over the past few weeks.
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