A River, A Flood Runs Through Plans - 03.27.21
Amanda's words from the Lord:
A dam is set to break, a river is set to overflow pointing to a purging overflow of evidence as a river a flood runs through their paper-thin plans and disintegrates their counterfeit documents and validations, legalization, and voter binders that shall unlock and the papers all rushed down a river where the entire stack shall be lost, a numerical system with ballots in regions shall come to the forefront says the Lord of hosts.
Prophecy in the News:
https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/03/breaking-ballot-audit-montana-finds-irregularities-characteristic-larger-democrat-urban-centers-6-33-ballots-without-required-envelopes/ "A River Runs Through It" is set in Missoula where investigations of ballot fraud!